This workshop is part of Milestone 12 of the Rebalance project (Workshop for the Agenda-
Setting Position Paper) and is intended to discuss the policy implications arising from the
research conducted by project partners, covering the project’s research questions (RQ1-8).
Format: This is an online-only workshop that will be shared with Rebalance-related scholarly,
policy, and practitioner networks. Each partner organization will briefly summarize the core
findings of their research conducted as part of the Rebalance project and present the key policy
and practical implications of their study.
Scientific Committee:
Tim Bartley (Stockholm University and Georgetown University); Flaviano Bianchini (Source
International); Nadia Bernaz (Wageningen University); Andrew Crane (University of Bath); Elisa Giuliani (University of Pisa); Johanna Mair (Hertie School); Francesco Rullani (Ca’ Foscari
University of Venice); Olena Uvarova (NLU); Francesco Zirpoli (Ca’ Foscari University of
Interested participants can connect only at the following link
More information at this link