Our team have curated a selection of free online courses open to all on different aspects of capitalism and democracy, including human rights, climate change, sustainable development, and social enterprise.
The courses are from a variety of universities and international organizations, primarily located in Europe and North America, and all available either on Coursera or the ILO’s International Training Centre.
Mauro Guillen University of Pennsylvania
In this course, you’ll learn to analyze rapidly changing global trends, their effects on consumer and labor markets, financial systems, and geopolitical relationships among countries all over the world.
Yara Slaman Utrecht University
Most countries are getting more and more unequal. But the core of democracy is political equality: that everyone should have an equal say in how their country is run. Can people have equal political power while economic inequality grows and grows? Take this course and decide for yourself.
Janneke Gerards Utrecht University
Human rights are under pressure in many places across the globe. All of this threatens the ideal of an open society in which each of us can be free and participate equally. Equip yourself and learn more about what human rights are and how they work.
Lars Tønder University of Copenhagen
The goal of this course is to zoom in on the relationship between democracy and climate change action. Do democratic systems have the capacity to deal with a threat like the climate crisis? If so, what will this require in terms of innovating democracy as a political system?
European University for Transition
Essec Business School
This MOOC is an introduction to social and ecological transition. You will encounter some of the changes needed for transition at different levels. You will learn about possible existing solutions, and also see that new solutions need to be invented.
Michaéla Schippers Erasmus University
Know what the SDGs are, why they are important and how each individual can be an agent for positive change in the world. Understand the role of business in the transition to sustainable development to create a prosperous future for all
Teresa Chahine Yale University
In this course, you will immerse yourself in a social or environmental challenge you want to tackle. You’ll start by researching your topic of choice, talking to people, and ideating a potential solution that you can contribute. Then, you’ll build a business model around that solution, understanding concepts like measuring social change, ensuring financial viability, funding and pitching.
ILO International Training Centre
This self-guided course aims to enhance awareness of gender dimensions and issues in fragile, conflict and disaster settings and to provide guidance on gender mainstreaming in initiatives related to employment and decent work across the Humanitarian-Development-Peace Nexus.
ILO International Training Centre
In an increasingly globalised world, which is still based on a large-scale production model, but can no longer ignore its effects on climate change and the most vulnerable populations, the social and solidarity economy represents an effective and positive alternative for the future. This course will enable you, through real case studies, to explore in detail the many forms of this phenomenon.